12395 BB: Connected Learning: Real Talk from the San Francisco Bay Area
Organizers: Rik Panganiban, Zakiya Harris
Presenters: Matt Williams, Ingrid Dahl
In the DML community, we should all be familiar with the Connected Learning paradigm and what it defines as the main components of learning for young people. I.e. learning should be:
– Interest-powered
– Production Centered
– Shared Purpose
– Peer Supported
– Academically Oriented
– and Openly Networked
It makes a great infographic and espouses goals that we most of us without reservation would get behind.
But how do the Connected Learning principles actually operate in practice? What is the real experience of institutions and youth attempting to embody these principles? For example, can a youth project be both “interest-powered” and “academically oriented”? Is learning truly “openly networked” when youth face real physical and financial barriers to entry? Using the frame of the San Francisco Bay Area (which encompasses 101 cities and municipalities), we will share out some of the real challenges, insights and successes we’ve encountered in the past year as we seek to expand the opportunity space for young people in our communities.
Speakers on the panel will include representatives of the founding committee of Hive Bay Area : Bay Area Video Coalition, the California Academy of Sciences, KQED, the San Francisco Public Library, and the director of Hive Bay Area. We have compelling stories to share from our experiences organizing efforts like “The Mix” learning lab at the San Francisco Public Library, the Bay Area Youth Media Network Festival, Teen Science Night at the Cal Academy, and the “Life is Living” Family Festival. After short presentations, we want to leave time for people to share their own challenges and successes putting Connected Learning into practice in their communities.