1000 Featured BB: Blurring Boundaries By Design

06/11/2015 @ 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM
California Ballroom

Organizer: Samuel Dyson
Participants: Louis Gomez, Mimi Ito, Chris Lawrence, Katrina Stevens

Achieving equity for all learners is an ambitious goal requiring coordinated efforts across a variety of organizational and academic contexts. While equity may be advanced in part by new, more accessible technologies, overcoming present and future challenges will require as much sophistication from our learning contexts as it demands of our learning tools. We will explore the potential and challenges of blurring boundaries across learning contexts in ways that illuminate shared professional challenges and generate new solutions. The invited speakers to this featured panel will explore how youth and adult learning is being supported across learning contexts through collective efforts to advance equity for all.

Panelists include:
Louis Gomez, Senior Fellow, Network Development and Improvement Science, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Mimi Ito, Research Director, Digital Media and Learning Hub, University of California Humanities Research Institute
Chris Lawrence, VP for Learning, Mozilla
Katrina Stevens, Senior Advisor, Office of Educational Technology and Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of Education

The conversation will be moderated by Sam Dyson, DML conference chair for the Blurring Boundaries track.

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