1000 Featured EF: “Son Enough”: Enabling Voice, Visibility, Equality, and Agency among Girls in India
Organizer: Glynda Hull
Participants: Urvashi Sahni, Shibani Sahni, Priya Dubey, Moni Kannaujia, Poam Maurya,
Preeti Rawat
This session features young women from India whose school curriculum included critical feminist perspectives, digital media production, and community activism. Their school’s founder will describe her vision for girls’ and women’s emancipation in India, and the young women will share the films they’ve made about their communities and the possibilities and constraints of their lives. The session illustrates how digital media practice situated within a critically oriented school can powerfully intersect with struggles for equality. In this case such practice served as a lever that helped young women to voice their perspectives on gender equality—demonstrating to their families that they are “son enough”—and to narrate more hopeful and agentive futures.
Dr. Urvashi Sahni, Founder, Study Hall Educational Foundation, Lucknow, India
Shibani Sahni, Study Hall Educational Foundational, New Delhi, India
Filmmakers from Prerna School, Lucknow, India:
Priya Dubey
Moni Kannaujia
Poam Maurya
Preeti Rawat